An eye for an eye
Parašė Admin· 1970.01.01

‘‘An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth‘‘ – the biblical notion that for every wrong done there should be a compensating measure of justice, so-called mirror punishment. It is said that revenge is sweet, but many people argue whether it is worthy and fair. Why not try being strong and forgive? Revenge causes only bad consequences. As Gandhi said – ’’ An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind’’. These are the moral issues wwhich are raised in both of these stories.

The Schoolteacher’s Guest written by Isabel Allende and Vendetta by Guy de Maupassant both involve the death of sons and the subsequent revenge. The first also has a strong belief in fate, trust in the attitude of the community and shows the strength of mother’s love. Ines, the schoolteacher loved by everyone, lives in a very warm and friendly village Agua Santa. When the mango farmer accidentally kills her son, the community goes mmad. People want to lynch the murderer, take revenge. Surprisingly, Ines reacts quite calmly. She is upset but extremely cool; she believes that what goes around comes around. When the murderer does return several years later she takes the chance aand slits his throat. Remaining calm as if she knows she has the moral right to take revenge on her son’s murderer, she announces to Riad, her good friend, what she has done. He and the community accept her actions out of love for her; Ines is above the law and can get away with it.

Although Vendetta is also a story about revenge, there are essential differences most which are influenced by the community itself, where the act of revenge takes place. Whereas, widow Saverini lives in a Bonifacio, very cold, windswept place where people do not know each other. When Saverini’s son is killed nobody really cares about it; the community is not interested in other people’s sorrow. Desperate mmother reacts coldly, but is very angry and bitter. She swears to avenge her son and punish murderer Nicolas Ravolatti; she dares not delay. Indeed, everything to be achieved takes some sort of effort. She accustoms her dog to terrible method of attack, disguises herself like a tattered old beggar man and realizes her cruel plan, takes revenge.

In both stories authors do not comment or show their point of view; they leave justice part for readers. What is more, tthere is not much information given about both men, murderers. That affects readers’ feelings while reading stories. It makes us be sorry for mothers and judge murderers; however, the circumstances of sons’ death are not shown. Stories also show how loved person’s loss can affect people’s attitudes, make them strong and determined to take certain actions whatever it takes. Moreover, neither a view to revenge is shown nor consequences as in the end of both stories nobody reveals the truth. As I have already mentioned, everything is in readers hands – whether it is a good excuse to kill somebody who hurt you or your family, or it is more honourable to remain being strong and let the law judge criminal.
